Todd Blair

While working for Ansel Associates on the phæno Science Center, Todd's initial primary responsibility was for the acquisition, design and fabrication of Phæno's comissioned interactive artworks; artworks which combine art and scientific phenomena. Todd did extensive research, conducted studio visits and made the initial selection of artists that were recommended by Ansel Associates to the City of Wolfsburg, Germany. His skill and technical facility with numerous drawing programs allowed Todd to communicate effectively with the design and project architects and to keep the Ansel team informed of changes to the exhibition and program spaces. He was deeply involved in the planning of the exhibitions for phæno, contributing his expertise to all phases of exhibit design and specification. He was active in the management of the artists commissioned to produce interactive artworks for phæno, working with them to solve technical design and fabrication problems and to install their work into the science center.

Previously, Todd served as a Production Manager for various North American and European artists and as Program Director for "Rearview mirror to reality" presented at the 1996 Ars Electronica Festival in Linz Austria. Previously, Todd worked in the exhibit services shop at the Exploratorium in San Francisco and is now an Adjunct Professor in media arts and technology at California College of the Arts.

Matthias Ossmann

A native of Munich who moved to Wolfsburg to work with Ansel Associates on phæno, Matthias Ossmann has a Master's Degree in mechanical Engineering and extensive practical experience in exhibition and theatrical lighting, sound engineering and the logistical and practical requirements of theatrical presentations and exhibitions. His knowledge and interest in science coupled with his attention to detail and his genuine excitement about the project were invaluable in helping Ansel Associates produce the exhibitions for phæno. And with fluency in three languages, Matthias proved to be indispensable in translation, interpretation, and the preparation of contracts, reports, documents and technical drawings. Prior to his work on phæno, Matthias served as Technical Director for the Muffathalle, Munich and as production and tour Manager for American "robot artist" Chico McMurtrie.

Jörg Zander

Working with Ansel Associates as an independent contractor to the City of Wolfsburg, licensed architect Jörg Zander was, among multiple other duties, responsible for the integration of phæno's exhibitions into the building and served as the liason between the exhibition planners and the architects and contractors. As a highly skilled computer aided design (CAD) professional, Jörg produced numerous scaled drawings of phæno's exhibitions to communicate the requirements of the exhibitions to the client, the architects, state and municipal authorities, numerous contractors and others involved in the project. Jörg, with support from others, also designed and equipped many of phæno's program spaces. During the fabrication and installation of the exhibits, Jörg's language abilities and his connections with local fabricators proved a most valuable resource, helping Ansel Associates to locate and communicate with local suppliers and fabricators. Prior to phæno, Jörg was involved with the exhibition design, lighting, graphics and exhibition site management for Berlin's Jewish Museum.