Working with Ansel Associates as an independent contractor to the City of Wolfsburg, licensed architect Jörg Zander was, among multiple other duties, responsible for the integration of phæno's exhibitions into the building and served as the liason between the exhibition planners and the architects and contractors. As a highly skilled computer aided design (CAD) professional, Jörg produced numerous scaled drawings of phæno's exhibitions to communicate the requirements of the exhibitions to the client, the architects, state and municipal authorities, numerous contractors and others involved in the project. Jörg, with support from others, also designed and equipped many of phæno's program spaces. During the fabrication and installation of the exhibits, Jörg's language abilities and his connections with local fabricators proved a most valuable resource, helping Ansel Associates to locate and communicate with local suppliers and fabricators. Prior to phæno, Jörg was involved with the exhibition design, lighting, graphics and exhibition site management for Berlin's Jewish Museum.